Tomatoes Tomatoes: Day 277

I grew up with a second generation Italian dad who kept tradition alive throughout his entire life. Some of the things he did was grow a beautiful garden every year, make wine, cheese, sausage, homemade pasta and jar tomatoes so we had fresh sauce all year round.

I have always grown vegetables, which I inherited from dad’s traditions but this year is the first year I am jarring my own. My brother took me through the process and I am now doing it myself. It’s pretty cool and easy to do actually.


I picked through my riper tomatoes and cut them in half. I passed them through a tomato press several times  assuring that all the juice was squeezed out and then I took the juice and boiled out the water. On the side, I boiled the mason jars and lids to kill any bacteria. I added my fresh grown basil to the jar and a teaspoon of salt. (I am inclined to leave the salt out but I am still following the family recipe.) Once the tomatoes were ready, I poured the boiling hot tomato juice into a jar up to the brim and dropped the sterilized hot lid onto the jar. Then I screwed the band on tightly. WaLa, and here it is.