Christmas Eve: Day 41

Traditionally, christmas eve is a seafood event in our home. I kept it really simple tonight. We started off with chilled jumbo  shrimp cocktail. Then for our first course, I made linguine marinara. For my dish, I substituted the pasta with zucchini. For the next and final course, I made sesame crusted salmon, garlic string beans and brown rice with peppers. Everything was prepared fresh and healthy and no one complained.

Christmas day will be a different story… I’ll bring my own sauce and I think I’ll use spaghetti squash instead of zucchini for a change, and I’ll have a salad and a slice of protein. The menu is homemade pasta with sausage and meat balls, salad and ham and much more. I would normally avoid the ham because of the salt but I’ll see how I feel about it later. Hopefully, I’ll fill up on the spaghetti squash and I’ll just have the salad.

More to come about the christmas holiday food feasts later, pictures and all.