Portion Control: Day 44



Sometimes I forget that even though the food I am eating is healthy and natural, portion control is still really important. Yesterday I had skipped lunch and was feeling a bit ravenous by late afternoon so I boiled 3/4 of a medium size spaghetti squash. It filled a pasta bowl and probably enough for two people. If I had planned only having that for dinner, it would been fine, but I had to cook for my family too. 2 hours after I ate the large bowl of spaghetti squash; of course with my marinara sauce on it, I was sitting down to dinner to eat chicken and broccoli stir fry. I essentially ate dinner twice. Maybe all the holiday stuff was getting to me and I caved. Anyway, I was stuffed.  Spreading the calories out over the course of the day, I didn’t overeat, but having had it all so close together, I felt stuffed and consequently felt pretty crappy this morning.

I can change that today! Yesterday’s over indulgence is a close reminder.


  • Kathryn Donatelli - December 28, 2011 - 1:35 pm

    Josephine, you are doing so incredibly well. You are an inspiration to your big sister to get small again. I know you ate a lot in a short period of time but you probably didn’t take in any more calories for the day than you usually do. It’s just a reminder not to skip meals. Keep up the great work you are doing.ReplyCancel

  • lauren - December 27, 2011 - 6:46 pm

    Check out these wholesome, high fiber recipes!!!ReplyCancel